Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Killah is now going fan crazy over...

Kyu Hyun from Super Junior. Just LOVE his voice. Haha. This is the product of months and months of leisure and free time. Haha. Long time no star crazy. Not a particular star anyway. Not to mention that I'm a little totally biased when it comes to whatever entertainment show he is on. Hahaha. But he wins most of the time anyway. =D Singing is definitely his forte. When you're free just go listen to his song.. Hang on. I'll post up the link.

Super Junior is coming to Malaysia on Saturday. Dad's birthday is on Friday. I can't believe I almost forgot my dads birthday. Gosh. I'm really losing track of dates without school. Where was I? Oh ya. Su Ju coming. I would have gone.. If someone would go with me. Haha. Nvm. Consoled myself with the thought that even if I went, they probably look like a tiny little dot to me. Haha. And there'll be a lot of screaming and.. we'll have to watch them on the concert screen anyway. haha. I can just record PY screaming and watch it on my laptop. *nod nod* LOL. Ok Py? Hahaha.