I ish ze going crazy thinking Su Ju is already in Malaysia. Noooo! Gah! I wanna goooooooooooooo. Regretting not buying the ticket now.
Main reason why I didn't buy the ticket when it first came out was because:
* All collection of tickets will require validation of NRIC/Passport, Credit Card and Booking Number.
* Ticket collection is at venue only on the event day, 2 hours before the show time.
* No third party collection allowed. The purchaser (credit card holder) has to be present upon ticket collection.
Yeah. I can totally imagining my dad beside me in the concert complaining. LOL. That was the main reason in the first place. I couldn't think of anyone else who'd already have a credit card. And also no one to go with me. WHich means even if i do find a credit card holder. I still need to get there alone. So, didn't get it. However.. Regretting it big time now. Gah. Who knows the next time they're coming again? Maybe I'll have college exams or something at that time. SIGH.
If I studied in KL in Jan, I'd probably would be attending the concert. Since I am already in Kl. However, if i do go KL to study, I don't think I would have the time to be fan crazy bout them. Gah. Nvm.
*Repeats to self slowly about why I didn't go in the first place.*
Moving on...
I actually had a job today. Yes. KIL has actually gotten a job. Its a one day thing though. Hahaa. And just my luck, I saw 5 of our beloved school teachers. 3 of them never taught me though. Just saw their faces before. One was our moral teacher in F2 or F3.. The one who taught maths instead of moral in our moral period. Haha. I forgot her name.. Haha. She recognized me! =D I forgot the other ones name... Imagine that. haha. Oh. I was working in Tesco extra. Giving out some slimming voucher thingi and they had to write down their names. Not bad. I finished two storybooks. Should have brought laptop. =D Saw a lot of different kinds of ppl today. I like kids. They're cute. =D I observed kids the whole day today. Most looked like their mothers. Haha. Ke random nessan.
Minus HanKyung, Kang In and Ki Bum.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Posted by Killah at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Killah is now going fan crazy over...
Kyu Hyun from Super Junior. Just LOVE his voice. Haha. This is the product of months and months of leisure and free time. Haha. Long time no star crazy. Not a particular star anyway. Not to mention that I'm a little totally biased when it comes to whatever entertainment show he is on. Hahaha. But he wins most of the time anyway. =D Singing is definitely his forte. When you're free just go listen to his song.. Hang on. I'll post up the link.
Super Junior is coming to Malaysia on Saturday. Dad's birthday is on Friday. I can't believe I almost forgot my dads birthday. Gosh. I'm really losing track of dates without school. Where was I? Oh ya. Su Ju coming. I would have gone.. If someone would go with me. Haha. Nvm. Consoled myself with the thought that even if I went, they probably look like a tiny little dot to me. Haha. And there'll be a lot of screaming and.. we'll have to watch them on the concert screen anyway. haha. I can just record PY screaming and watch it on my laptop. *nod nod* LOL. Ok Py? Hahaha.
Posted by Killah at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Late post again cause of the absence of my dearly beloved laptop. Haha. I'm not as crazy as Tze Ni to give a name to my laptop. Yet. Haha. Lappie is just back but is still showing the same symptoms. -.- Nvm. For now, it'll have to do. Anyway, Spm results.. I guess I saw it coming. My results... aren't that bad. But it wasn't fabulous either. Hmm. Bio oh bio. Haha. But i think if i could turn back time before spm, i don't think i would study any harder. Lol. When i went on stage, (after hearing Mr Ilangko pronounced my name wrongly again*just had to add that*) the Pengetua told me, I am SO proud of you(in what i would say a pretty sincere tone).. which got me thinking... I think she thought I got straight A's.. Lol. Nvm. Its my favourite number anyway. 9.. It does fit. Hahaha. Girl who is born on the 9/9-92 has 9 A's. Make sense. Yes? The thing that amazes me is my A+ for Add maths. I didn't even realise it till Por Cha Boh told me. Surprised would be an understatement. Haha. Those ppl who usually score in Add Maths would say its nothing but this is coming from a girl who nearly failed her add maths man. Hahaha. Post-Spm results is not very different from Pre-Spm results. Haha. Its time like these I appreciate my parents. Hahha. Cause they're the ones running around to find out bout colleges and stuff. Or most prob i'd be stuck back in Sggs for form 6. Haha. Well, at least i have Ee Ling. =D I still don't know what to do. Btw,
Dreaded questions:
-Before SPM: How's your preparations for SPM coming?
-After SPM: How was SPM?
-Before results: What do you think your results are going to be?
-After results: So what do you plan to do?
Gah. These questions were constantly asked by every adult i meet. Mostly la. Haha. I honestly don't know what i want to do. Gah. Nvm. End of SPM rant.
Oh. And this conversation with my uncle that day. EUNICE! Read this!
Uncle: I know what you've been up to...
Me: Huh? What have I been up to?
Uncle: You have a friend named Janice right?
Me: Yes....
Uncle: Her mother is a teacher right?
Me: I don't know.. I'm not that close with her..
Uncle: Are you sure? Her mother said you two are close?
Me: No...
Uncle: You went to Gurney drive with her right after the results? Her mom said you all are so heavy made her car....
Me: *cuts in* OHHH! You mean EUNICE.
Uncle: Oh yea, I remember it was something, didn't hear clearly
Me: OH yes yes. Eunice's mom is a teacher.
Uncle: Yes, her mom called me..
-Convo goes on-
Hahah Eunice! I finally get the message you sent me days ago. Creepy how the teachers connect to each other right? Hahah..
Had fun that day when my dad, mom and I were sitting on the sofa. My dad and mom was waiting for Lee Chong Wei's game in the England open. I was watching Bandslam on the other tv/playing games on laptop. Haha. Totally hilarious how my mom starts criticizing Chong Wei when the game first started cause he was losing 5-0. She was like, his clothes so ugly, one side got sleeve, the other one don't have. (Me: Its sponsored la!! I don't think he can pick), then she says can choose other sponsors and then goes on talking bout his hair, dye till like that. Until he started picking up and was winning the Japan dude, then she started praising him) I was like.. Mom, you're so bad. Ppl losing then you critisize, ppl start winning then only you start cheering for him. Hahah. Seriously. He won gold in the end. And the last ball, was actually out, but the linesman(i think thats what he's called) said it was in. So Chong Wei in, then my parents started saying, its not a clear win, they could have gotten in a rubber match and maybe he wouldn't have won, etc, etc. And all i could say to that was -.-". Haiz. hahahah. Chong Wei was good and fast on his feet man. I was like =o when he saved the shuttle from a direct smash(the ones with him diving on the floor then springing up again).
The sleepover was fun! =D Lets do it again!! haha.. Orphan was not that scary cause June was telling what was going to happen next. Haha. Will post pics here after i uploaded it in FB.
Getting lazy now..
Posted by Killah at 5:37 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
It all started one fine day after CNY...
Where i bugged my brother to teach me how to drive first. Few reasons why i didn't want to wait for the official driving instructor,
-with my brother, i could yell and panic if something happens. Haha.
-rather be taught basics by someone familiar.
-at that point i didn't even listen to the course yet. It would take forever
Nevertheless, the highlight of the moment would be me yelling at my brother to NOT use HIS phone while I'm driving. Haha. He get distracted and the lives of innocent victims could be threatened. Mati enjin a few times cause the clutch of my dads car was damn deep(and the fact that i didn't know we couldn't press the accelerator and the clutch at once). Haha. It is known throughout my family that if I can drive my dads car, i can drive any car. LOL.
Anyway, survived that encounter where I happily announced we're still alive upon arriving back home. Hahaha. (For all you know, bro and I might be lying in a ditch somewhere cause of my driving skills. Or the lack thereof)
So anyway... I had my first official drive yesterday. The driving instructor picked me up at my house.. Drove a bit. Explained the stuff. And surprised me when he suddenly got out of the car mid lecture and asked me to sit in the drivers seat. Hahaha. Enjine died once at the traffic light. It was a slowww and hot drive. Perspiring the whole way. Every vehicle, like old ancient cars are overtaking me. Hahah.
Today was the second. I tried to drive faster. Then he asked me not to accelerate and keep my speed less than 40. Then I was driving at 40 then he asked me to slow down to 20. -.- Eventually, even the most patient driver behind also overtakes. Haha. All cars AND busses.
My driving instructor lau gina wan. He teach 40 minutes or less instead of one hour every time. >.<>poor ppl Haiti ppl. I see Justin Bieber, Hmm. Is that Josh Groban? Think so. Jennifer Hudson, that lady looks familiar.. Miley Cyrus, Enrique Iglasias, Usher, I think thats the dude from Black Eye Peas, Celine Dion!!!, the girl that played the electric guitar in MJ's last concert, and i think thats the girl from black eye peas. Ooooh! I finally remembered. That girl is the main singer for pussycat dolls. Thats why she looked familiar. I think i see the jonas brothers. Yup. They're there. This is more modernized with electric guitar and the voice alteration thingi(i don't know what its called). Wait, is that Luther from Smallville??? Hmm. Just a glance. While the new song is nice with rappin' and all, I still prefer the old one..
You know the best part? They still kept MJ's part from the original song and mixed it wit Janet's voice. =D But mainly you can hear MJ.
I should clarify cause Di*ahem* complained she doesn't know which singer i liked.
Ppl who i think are great singers: Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey's range of notes, MJ in that order. Josh Groban. Oh. Charice too. =D Kyu Hyun.
Oooh. Next song is Kelly Clarkson's Already Gone. Haha. I still don't get that part of flying violins being played themselves and the connection to the song...
OMG. Next is this is it. I didn't know they had an MV for it. Aw. Its all memories of him. Gonna go download.
Anyway,those who wanna see the we are the world MV,
Posted by Killah at 6:22 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
11th March 2010
A day I would think would have impact on Little Janice was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me Janice, who created the universe?" When Janice didn't stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. "God Almighty!" shouted Janice and the teacher said, "Very good" and Janice fell back asleep. A while later the teacher asked Janice, "Who is our Lord and Saviour." But, Janice didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. "Jesus Christ!" shouted Janice and the teacher said, "Very good," and Janice fell back asleep. Then the teacher asked Janice a third question. "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" and again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time Janice jumped up and shouted, "If you stick me with that thing one more time, I'll break it in half and stick it up your ass!" ---------------------------------all most F5's(disregarding those already in college and has no use of that sheet of paper). This date is mostly on ppl's facebook statuses. I don't know why I'm typing this like an essay. Hahaha. Anyway, its doomsday for me, where I have to actually wake up to reality and actually decide what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life. Gagaga. Did time have to pass so fast. The more I think about it, the worse I'm guessing my results are gonna be. Especially when I only started studying Form 5 Chem in the brief period between paper 2 and 1. I never touched form 5 before that. But I'd suppose no one would believe me if i said that. I can't believe myself. And Accounts, omg. And ... Nvm. So for now, it is temporarily pushed to some dark recessive corner of my mind. No matter what my results are gonna be, I think I'm just gonna enjoy my month. Haha. Ok. Enough of my pitiful whining about my undiciplined self. The reason for my lack of posts this month is because my poor laptop is in the hospital. It broke down. Was repaired. But then the person didn't repair nicely or smth so it was sent back. Now my dads gone to Sarawak I get to hog his computer. Muahaha. Still prefer my own laptop though. =( Its weird to say this, but nostalgia hasn't hit me yet. I don't miss school all that much. I don't know why. I thought I would. Hmm. Its probably cause I still see most of my close friends and I'm still thinking this period of time as my long long holiday break. Apart for laughing at my cousins when they had to study for their exams. =D I maybe would be going to F6. Dunno. I have the uniform already anyway. =D Redbox day was fun ppl. =D I wanted to do an elaborate long essay about that day, but is simply too lazy now. =D Pics could be found in Fb. Currently liking everything korean. =D Learning their language a little.
K. Long time I didn't post up JOKES. =D Read if you want.
It got crowded in heaven so, for one day and one day only, it was decided to only accept people who had really bad day on the day they died.
St. Peter was standing at the pearly gates and said to the first man, "Tell me about the day you died." The man said, "Oh, it was awful. I was sure my wife was having an affair, so I came home early to catch her with him. I searched all over the apartment but couldn't find him anywhere. So I went out onto the balcony, we live on the 25th floor, and found this man hanging over the edge by his fingertips. I went inside, got a hammer, and started hitting his hands. He fell, but landed in some bushes. So, I got the refrigerator and pushed it over the balcony and it crushed him. The strain of the act gave me a heart attack, of which I died from."
St. Peter couldn't deny that this was a pretty bad day, and since it was a crime of passion, he let the man in. He then asked the next man in line about the day he died. "Well, sir, it was awful," said the second man. "I was doing aerobics on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment when I twisted my ankle and slipped over the edge. I managed to grab the balcony ofthe apartment below, but some maniac came out and started pounding on my fingers with a hammer. Luckily I landed in some bushes. But, then the guy dropped a refrigerator on me!"
St. Peter chuckled, let him into heaven and decided he could really start to enjoy this job. "Tell me about the day you died?” he said to the third man in line. "OK, picture this; I'm naked, hiding inside a refrigerator....
Posted by Killah at 11:13 AM 0 comments