Saturday, October 3, 2009

Vampire diaries looking good

Cast looking ok...

Anyways, facebook is being a pain in the butt. So pics here.

The ones that actually went on Friday was mostly EST students

Getting our pencil case

Bored during speeches

Long winded speech with a lot of diff ppl giving ucapans

Looks illegal don't it. hahaha,its actually ordering mcd

Steppin on da whale

Group pic. Awww.

multi eating

sorting out our food

checkin the bill. they always give us one less item. either that or over charging us. and they're just brilliant. Our school has been spelled as Sin Joeh High School. Brilliant right? (p/s note the sarcasm)

look at my bag size and hers. =D

Me: Bhavy, do something more perverted la.

yup. she stuck herself to the board. hahahahah.

oh and it is true.. they really are gonna grade us with the A+ system. jeez. Carmen Ng first told me and i was like really???? and my bro is right. its like primary school. A+. Jeez.

Poor ppl should study better because:

No computer. And if they do have one, no internet.
No Tv. OR if they have one, no astro
No storybooks, just school books.
Poor lifestyle to motivate them
No comfy bed that makes you just wanna continue sleeping
No Nintendo Wii or games(not that i have this either)