Friday, February 6, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU NAT. *change the a to u*

just realised i have loads of pics of you. known you already for 10 years!!! 0.0 u class clown. haha. i don't remember how we became best friends. i think it was the books. three cheers for books! haha.

our attempt to laugh crazily. she looks more natural because she's crazy. hahaha

the times where emily came over and we bullied you. i still have the pic of you're *** to blackmail you. muahahhaa. hahaha. that time my dad saw the pic. he told my mom. aiyo. lu khua lu eh cha wa zho ha mi tua pang kheng. (your daughter do what in the room). hahaha. that was yours.but as i have said, i'm keeping my blog UMUM. haha.

we go crazyyyyyyyyyyy.....

your teeth looks sharp...

eating MY snack on MY bed reading MY book and ignoring me. -.-

her weird reading positions

in MPH. making herself at home.

haha. remember how many shots i took? and its still blur. damn.

you did say you liked this one best right? i don't remember..

sleepy look

acting innocent. which you are NOT.


Yin Ern said...

Happy birthday nut!
i am ilyn's good fren.and there's a high potential that i am hitting on you

Killah said...

-.- eunice.