Friday, October 24, 2008


wooohoo. i expected to feel something after exams, but didn't feel any different cause before the exams i didn't study much anyway. oh well. i'll try next year. i wanted to post this. but i forgot. eunice posted it long long ago. haha.

Elvis Presley CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE. So, he told his lover to LOVE ME TENDER but his lover broke his heart. Then, Elvis Presley went to HEARTBREAK HOTEL to find her and talk things through and told his lover, “DON’T BE CRUEL” but his lover said, “Too bad. I have a WOODEN HEART.” Elvis Presley got so mad and furious. So, he sent her to JAILHOUSE ROCK which is guarded by a HOUND DOG.

this is for us music students to memorize about elvis presley's songs. and TA DA! haha. i am gonna go disney this holiday. i shall watch solely disney movies, disney songs, disney.... stuff. haha. when i went to disneyland i missed disney movies. that was bb(before blogs) ahah.

oh ya. i just realised i've learned things when i was a kid that is now in the textbook...
-rugrats. ( pharoah)
-age of empire (cavalry, etc)
-ok.. i don't really remember now. haha. but i remembered a lot that i had read or seen before or known as a kid in our text books. haha. F3 sej text book has stuff too. but i dont remember anymore. ahha.

In the animal kingdom, the animals that fart the most are the elephants.

i never remember what was it that i wanted to type here. oh well.

which reminds me.. that day the word epiphany was playing in my mind for two days. and i couldn't remember the meaning. and then i went to look in the dictionary. and guess what the meaning is..
i)the sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something
ii)a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

-.-so ironic!

poem.... by yours truly
friends that lies are worse than flies,
but if you have a true friend its rather nice,
always there when one cries,
it is as important as rice.

Dogs are always frank,
always forgiving pranks,
does not care about ranks,
or even height or length.

by ze yin.. to me..
you're my friend, you're my mate,
this is decided by fate,
you run and chase me like an ape,
I always have to call for aid.

"extracted from "the birthday present '08""

(i never chase you like an ape! more like... cheetah. haha.)

this one is funny.
be my friend or be my foe,
either way we're gonna roll,
take the carriage with the crow,
find a boyfriend in a boat.
"extracted from "the birthday present '08""


last one from ze yin,
you see me on a train,
when its gonna rain,
you run to me and say,
"please don't go away".
"extracted from "the birthday present '08""

from june, july , august..
it started out sweet..
you'll always be there when I'm in need,
you'll always be there when I'm sick,
no matter what happens you'll always be here,
as a friend in need is a friend indeed.

"extracted from "the birthday present '08""

and it turned crazy.
i shall not laugh when you fart,
don't keep it in your heart,
as i'll always bake you a tart,
this is because only death do us part.

"extracted from "the birthday present '08""

ce lang ce pua, kam ceng ka beh sua,
ce lang ce suku, kam ceng ka eh ku,
lu jangan pakai melulu,
tan ciek future toh hao tu tu!

"extracted from "the birthday present '08""

but it ended sweet anyhow.
after all these years,
though we may all have fears,
but i'll fight it through my tears,
because i know when i turn around,
you'll give me a bear hug and wipe away all my tears.

"extracted from "the birthday present '08""

awwww. ahha.hug.

from cynthia,
she asked me to describe her using her personality,
by writing her a poem for this loving little puppy,
i used naughty, kuai ku and friendly,
her style is so not "sexy",
smiling brightly makes me live happily,
after reading this poem written by this little monkey,
remember "wo yong yuan zai zhe li!".

"extracted from "the birthday present '08""

from eunice,

haha. i would like to keep my blog UMUM. haha.

p/s have you all realised it NEVER rains on tuesday mornings?

Leif:There are no odds. It's suicide.
Yelena:Look at it this way,Leif. It'll put an end to our arguing.
Yelena:We die, you're right. You don't die, I'm right.
Leif:I feel so much better now.
Janco:*tsk tsk* Sarcasm is detrimental to the team spirit.

"fire study, maria snyder"

9 characteristics of my future husband
-smart(but not sooo smart that i can't win an argument)
-good in bed

Sunday, October 19, 2008


its his own fault that this post is late. haha. he took my laptop. your fault.
i wanted to put his embarassing lil kid pics but lazy to upload. so. this is it,old guy. haha.

For you..