Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kong!!! Heyyy Fatchoy! *extension at front and back today, 31/1/2009*

angpao money!! *huge grin*
*DISCLAIMER* another super duper freaking long post.

okay. i kinda got that title from my bro. haha. anyway. i start this post by talking bout alice academy. didn't like dimitri much(EVERYONE loves dimitri*except swee lyn*) he kinda reminds me of edward in twilight. he is so goody goody at times he's just exasperating. okay. i met wei yen, we got into a debate again just like the jacob-edward thing. haha. anyway. i hope the girl will be with adrian now that dimitri is a strigoi. after she kills him, that is. haha. i can't believe i forgot her name after just three days. *googles* ROSE. yes. thats her name. haha. *google is more convenient than walking and looking for the book which is now buried under some kinda rubble.* haha. anyways. book is quite nice, except sometimes when the solution is so clear, but they have to take a 360 degree turn to solve it. *don't remember which part but i remember feeling that way, or did i feel that way in inkheart. O.O*. furthermore, *noting my excessive use of anyways* he is kinda clueless sometimes. i mean adrian was the one who persuaded the queen allow lisa and rose testify. and he was the one who figured out that the lisa's dark emotions were being transferred to rose making her angry instead. and adrian can do compulsion too! and dimitri messing with tasha? also, dimitri didn't believe rose was REALLY seeing ghosts. sheesh. okay. i'll stop. haha. new years celebration!! sat, house cleaning, it so figured that the only room un-cleaned was mine. and mayb my brothers. hahaha. don't care ad la. so finally left to granma's place. realised i forgot to bring my toothbrush. damn. haha. we drove two cars there. my parents in one, me and my bro in the other. as always, with me and my bro, we would crank up the volume and sing along. i recorded some in my phone. *evil grin* it was while my bro was crazy singing, meaning he would suddenly go way up or down in pitch and making his own improvisations. hahaha. will keep it for my future entertainment. hahaha. lol just thinking of it. anyways, reached, set up laptop and promptly fell asleep. =D woke up the next morning. hmm. got bugged by cousins. let them watch camp rock*have it downloaded* and do my homework. hurray for me. chem done. BOTH experiments. haha. read some books, steamboat. pics do the talking.

we have two tables. kids and adults.

my cousin went to the adults table.
Cousin: Uncle, you got any balls left? hahahahaha.

steamboat. bloody hot.

brother loves duck.

the soul survivors for our table.

behind the scenes. ahah.

then watch bolt. so cliche. disney movies are totally predictable. hahaha. prefer chihuahua though. me and bro were like trying to figure out who is which character. haha.
after bolt, watched bedtime stories. quite funny. i remember the beginning. we were lying down on the bed, me and my bro. so the show began. the narrator said, are you comfy there. i shifted a lil and actually answered, then he went, what about you sir, at the back. (behind me is my bro) they said, do you need feel the urge to pee*or smth,don't remember*? my bro said yes. then the narrator replied, well, hold it in then. hahaha. swt!! but i nearly fell asleep near the third night story. (it was 3 am) so off laptop. sleep. haha. the bedtime story worked! haha. made me sleepy anyway. wake up next day. gong xi gong xi. received ang paus. go downstairs. ate lunch.

chicken for lunch

my dad sounded drunk. he said this is jolly

this is carlsberg

this is carlsberg and jolly. hahha.-.-

while outside, they got started on mahjong.

i went up after that, finished off my bedtime story. another predictable ending. haha. then watched marley and me. so sad!! i cried. eel, go watch. i'm sure u will too. haha. ppl who like animals bro fell asleep watching it. ze sure wont cry one. marley is so like pips!! marley is the worlds worst dog. does that mean pips is too?? hahah. sad sad. he died in the end. *sniff*. then i watched aladdin. haha. long time no see. then makan lagi.

this is going into my moral folio.

the steamboat fish. blood!

after makan, it was still early.8 something. bro suggested go watch movie. so i say jom. then ask cousin wanna come a not. then younger cousins also wanna follow. so bring all la. haha. bought tickets for inkheart. there was only front row seats. but we couldn't get a later ticket. cause kids needed to sleep. so front row it is. movie was at 9.10. it was still early. so went arcade.

brother and cousin playing foosball.

me playing umm. some hockey thing?

played there till it was time. then bought snacks, smuggle inside. inkheart was nice. its a combination of stardust-without the romance and bedtime stories. haha. some parts were so stupid. Dustfinger didn't want to waste time opening the prison cell for them. he could have thrown the keys to them and run. instead, he dropped them.-.- there was one part i like.
indian dude:now he won't die. he left gwin. gwin is here now.
hahahahaha. go watch the movie ppl and u'll know what i'm babbling about. came home, and look!

haha. me and bro have the same file in our comp. the movie is dude, wheres my car. (i know, eunice) so we played it at the exact same time. hahaha. guess which is my laptop? haha.

took pics of cousin. A LOT OF PICS. she likes to pose.

next day, watched love guru. went back home, went to aunts place(mom's side). mingle and watch elizabeth grow. haha. played ps2. finally went home exhausted. there are more pics. lazy to upload. haha. went home, K.O. haha.

wednesday, watched juno, once, movies. tuition.

thursday.are you comfy? go pee first. =D this is another long day. it started out at 6.45AM. surely ppl that knows me understands the gravity of this. hahah. woke up to follow dad to send bro back to kl(just to the terminal, mind you), so that he could drop me at ze's place. haha. she had this dream. *the night before, she asked me to call her loads of times because she sleeps like a log to wake her up* she dreamt that i was already calling her and honking at her house's gate. haha. dreamt it. so when she awoken, she sent me this text saying that she was sorry she couldn't wake up. at that point i was like reaching, but still on the way. haha. i was like huh? i didn't even reach yet and she was already saying she couldn't wake up. hahahahahaha. swt la she. she woke up just in time to open the gate for me. =D no need to holler at her gate. went in her room. we were supposed to sleep. but ended up talking for bout one hour. then i decided i didn't wanna sleep anymore. haha. went out and played her PS. kept dying at the mickey game. haha. wished her mom. got an angpao. ^^ my dad came. on the way back to my house, he asked what we wanted to have for lunch. he stopped at the market. ze said wanna cook. then i was like, yeah!! so buy the ingredients and everything, went home and started cooking. hahaha.

the unraveling of mrs potato.

for fun. =D but after cook, my alphabets dunno go where d. =(

haha. i just realised that we didn't take any pics of the stupid onions. haha. we were pouring our eyes out that day. haha. i touched my eyes just after i cut the onions. -.- smart move right. haha. my eyes so "si" hahaha.

looks a lot?

=O. it shrunk.


dish no. 1. mine and ze's fav. potato!

dish no. 2. cooked by urs truly. second favourite.

dish no. 3. put too much water. and it was chewy. hahaha. but edible.

dads first taste of our cooking.

we cleaned out everything. hahaha. black soup doesn't count.

and cleaned the kitchen too. =D its all simple dished. but we haven't cook in a long time k. all recipes poof. and it was nice, right cha boh? hahaha. all extra tau eu. haha. cook with me must be salty wan. the T&C. haha. after cooking, we tried composing a song. only half. then went to wei yen's house instead.

that is what we did. KARATE VS TAEKWONDO.

me defending. dunno what i'm saying. haha. laugh so much.

then we watched monster in law. so funny man that show. the part where the mother in law tries to annoy her when shes watching tv. ahhahahahaha.

then wei yens mom came and brought us to ananda. i ate my usuals there. banana leaf. without butter chicken this time. hahaha. me, wei yen and her mom already knew what to order witout looking at the menu. haha. all the usuals.only ze dunno. in the end she ate mutton .... crap. what do you call that cha boh. i suddenly forgot.

went back to wei yen's house. -.- they taught me how to play poker and cho tai tee. and there goes my innocence. hahahaha. quite interesting. but i won't bet real money on it. haha.

wei yen winning mine and ze's money. hmph. haha. look at my miserable pile. beside hers.

finally won back a lil. hahaha.

then went to piano class, very near her house. came back, talk. balik. blog. now tidur. selamat malam!

sejarah topical test!!

ohhh. i just wanted to add something. haha. that time i visited jes.

Me: hey. could you pass me a drink from the fridge
Jes:go get it yourself la.
Me: Since you nearly there ad ma. An object in motion like to remain in motion right?Inertia. *smirk*
Jes:*rolls eyes*

and meep, if you're reading this, lemme in your blog. why did you put it private anyway. lemme in, lemme in.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


i just realised we don't have a lot of pictures together. go out so many times, didn't bring camera at all. the next time i go out with you, i'll bring my camera. and we have got to take a lot of pics! as memories! hahaha. who knows where you are next year. okay? haha. we got to get together and cook again!!! fun! =D

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pics that I wanted to upload long ago but had no patience for.

choir practice!

enjoying the view after hiking

meditating on the hill. (attempting to do so anyway) =D

doesn't seem very high right?

think again.

haha. btw, this sign was further up the hill. so its a long way down.. but.. hmm. is that a D or a J?

ATTENTION TO ALL 5 AKED PPL. i've was fliiping through this years mag and remembered this year we get to do wacky things for our class picture. lets do something crazy okay? sporting la!

okay. since i'm obviously gonna be busy every day i decided to blog every weekend bout the whole week. makes thing easier. but this week blogged today cause tomorrow i'm going to my granma's house. no internet there... haha. i'm not one who posts short blogs. just post everything in one. unless its a special occasion. maybe i'll start having a spm countdown somewhere in july.. haha. to scare myself into studying.and i've decided to not take piano grade 8 this year. luck amelia! haha. so anyway. my week.

monday:i don't remember... they changed our jadual waktu again.

tuesday: i've come to the conclusion that suguna is much better as a moral teacher than a sejarah teacher. the class is more cheerful. so on that day, she gave us time and we were supposed to "asimilasi" and create some clothing. what do you call asimilasi in english again??? i forgot... hmmm. gosh. so me, eunice, and cyn drew our clothing on a test paper first. after that we were supposed to vote for the nicest one but we couldn't come to a conclusion because we each liked our own design. haha. so i cut out three pieces of paper, each with our names and i asked eunice to pick one.(its folded) she picked her own. haha. so we did eunice's design. then we added the chinese collar thingi that everyone had. and ran out of colours for the skirt. so i suggested leaving it white. eunice debated with me that it was supposed to be black so that the butt doesn't look so big. -.- i told her we were doing this for moral and not for Vogue. haha. then we decided to draw some batik-ish stuff cause it looked plain.(and the bottom part looks like roots) sadly, none of us are artist so we drew normal flower and it ended up looking like some kids clothes instead. hahaha.oh well.

what dya think?
and then after that the vip of timbalan something and something bout cluster school and asrama penuh something came. haha. i'm amazed that she could talk for about 1 and 1/2 hours without drinking water. tze ni said she got thirsty listening to her. so halfway through we got bored. i started out playing tic tac toe with june. got bored. suggested we started a story.. It goes like this.

One day, Tze Ni's butt bled with an oozing poop. But then its not Tze Ni's butt, its Tze Ni's breastbone,(sternum).=0 Killah realised that hookers don't have such bad sternum. Therefore, it was Eunice's boobs. Gosh, all the hassle about mistaken boobs.Anyway, a horse drops down from the sky. *thud BOOM* *tze ni draws a cow with an arrow pointing down* and Nick came to the rescue! His red cape and spandex was so.. HOT! Next, a cipmunk dropped down wearing similar red cape and spandex!Wah, more hotness....

yellow is me. purple is Tze Ni. red is eunice. follow rumah sukan. =D

and it went on and on till ms k was eyeing our paper. so we decided to stash it in tze ni's book. (notice that tze ni's wrote most of the story cause she was sitting between me and eunice. so she get to write more) halfway writing it, the vip who was giving a speech said that "murid cemerlang mengambil nota apabila terdapat ceramah or smth like that". at that time, i was halfway writing our story. i looked at eunice and we both nodded vigorously and indicated we were cemerlang. hahaha. *fake cemerlang*. there was one part she stated that one good habit*or smth, dont remember well* was to bring a storybook everywhere you go, even the mall, the whole line turned and look at me. *most la. exxagerate abit.* i bring STORYBOOK okay. its not a studying thingi. haha. and then the vip went on to state the ciri-ciri pelajar cemerlang.
-bermatlamat(way not me)
-bijak mengurus masa(very funny)
-patuh kepada jadual(hahaha. for half an hour maybe)
-yakin dan berusaha(.......)
-damping orang yang maju(i don't even know who is maju)
-suka menerima nasihat.(more like membebel. like i dont get enough at home)

conclusion:hypothesis accepted. killah is not cemerlang material.

and our music club got extra instruments because of the cluster money. not fair.T.T we can only get to play it for a year!!! they now have drums, bass guitar, new bonang?, kempul new gendang, etc. shiny and new. AND pn audrey is planning to buy a guzheng. right after we leave school. T.T gish.

wednesday:ee ling brought a frog to school. to be dissected. everyone being girls going eeeeii and yerrr.. hahaha. first started with mr. crickey. luckily, they're dead. so i didn't mind dissecting them. gp and zy i think screamed and covered their face when i brough mr crikey near them. haha. then dissected him based on what teacher drew on the bored. couldn't see anything except a bunch of yellow fluid. *kah mei going ew the whole way i think* py suggested to cut of the legs so that we could see it better. so off goes the legs. wei yen and kim mei came and went eeeyer. so funny. when i first cut the body and the fluid came out, someone said omg. let cyn look. she say omg. let gp look, omg. let py look. eeyer omg. zy look. omg. hahaha. all in a row.okay. mr crikey left to rest in peace. went over to eelings table to see them dissect the frog. the ALIVE frog. see her slowly cutting the skin. *by this time, as usual, a lot of ewww and yerss can be heard* hmm. i remember ppl saying how cruel and bla bla bla but mrs froggie is like in coma. she can't feel anything. ppl kept talking to eel and she cuts slower. i rather ppl just watch her do it quickly then we can like spare it the pain cause teacher said it might wake up any moment. the internal organs were interesting. the heart was still beating. it was a female cause there were eggs and ovaries there.okay. haha. so eel was playing with the organs with the hand and removing the eggs and everything. haha. kav asked teacher where is the vagina. hahahahha. and the blood that was splurting out of the heart when eel poked its heart. OW. haha. with eel, i wouldn't be surprised if she tasted the frogs blood. haha. and could see everything clearly. but i wouldn't kill a frog just to see it again. but according to my piano teacher, the frogs at pasar, the person will hold both legs in one hand and both arms in another hand and pull. ow. at least she died for a good cause. after that, jmin sewed mrs froggie back. and eel and kav buried her near the lab. i found a piece of broken tile and wrote, RIP froggie. u have served us well. py drew a love. haha. i wrote 5A'09 at the bottom and stuck it at her grave. i wonder if it'll still be there next year. i doubt it. gardener would have dug it out?

after that music, play gamelan. ^^ a bit cacat without the drums. then went to the last 40 mins for house practice. todays practice was fun. lompat kijang. no teacher. was yapping away. kely shouted nerd to the guy who picked up rubbish outside our school. haha. *we think its rubbish but he probably could have dropped something but was picking it up* went back to the opposite side of the padang. since the F5's were all done but it wasn't time yet, so we played tarik tali. for fun. my group won all. haha. then it was just sabs vs wei yen. sabs won, obviously. haha. then mei shan asked me go against sabs. just s i ws about to be dragged forward, wei yen stepped in and pulled. yay. victory. hahaha. then sat down. played some... hitting thingi. don't know how to explain. but kena hit. although i raised my legs. hahaha. oh well. saw kav while waiting for dad. we wanted to play that "saying hi to random ppl thing* but couldn't cause we knew everyone there. haha. so too bad night went to buy cds. a lot of cds. australia and yes man is not clear;. T.T so don't wanna see yet. marley and me is quite ok. so i think i'll watch that first. haha. and bedtime stories.
thursday:more homework. loosen up my body cause got taekwondo. haha. can hear crack crack crack. hahaha. at night my place didn't have electricity. candlelight dinner.=D couldn't even see what i was eating. haha. if a cockroach landed on my food also i'll just eat. haha. (luckily my hse no cockroach)
friday: more homework. so. we have 10 essays for sejarah. 12 essays for moral. 10 graphs to draw. and others. cool eh. and oh. the RIP to froggie is still in place. =D may it rot in peace. cny is here. i can finally read my 3 storybooks that i've been saving for cny! wei yen said something bout not reading books on cny. hmm? haha. movies!!!wheee. ang paus!!!
sat: piano teacher gave fortune cookies! crap one. hahah. one talk bout investments, another about smiling. hahaha. oh.

OKAY CRAP. i've read all my storybooks before chinese new year. Dimitri is a STRIGOI????? WTF???

this is for eunice. if you're not eunice, thats all for this week! =)

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an “L” on her forehead

Well the years start coming and they don’t stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn’t make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

So much to do so much to see
So what’s wrong with taking the back streets
You’ll never know if you don’t go
You’ll never shine if you don’t glow

Hey now you’re an All Star get your game on, go play
Hey now you’re a Rock Star get the show on get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold

It’s a cool place and they say it gets colder
You’re bundled up now but wait ’til you get older
But the meteor men beg to differ
Judging by the hole in the satellite picture

The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
The waters getting warm so you might as well swim
My world’s on fire how about yours
That’s the way I like it and I never get bored

Hey now you’re an All Star get your game on, go play
Hey now you’re a Rock Star get the show on get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold

Hey now you’re an All Star get your game on, go play
Hey now you’re a Rock Star get the show on get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold

Somebody once asked could you spare some change for gas
I need to get myself away from this place
I said yep what a concept
I could use a little fuel myself
And we could all use a little change
Well the years start coming and they don’t stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn’t make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do so much to see
So what’s wrong with taking the back streets
You’ll never know if you don’t go
You’ll never shine if you don’t glow

Hey now you’re an All Star get your game on, go play
Hey now you’re a Rock Star get the show on get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold

OKAY CRAP. i've read all my storybooks before chinese new year. Dimitri is a STRIGOI????? WTF???

p/s sorry for the typos. i don't usually reread what i typed out. and my keyboard cacat. "A" somethings cannot press wan. -.-

Sunday, January 18, 2009

"My rubber broke and i didn't realise it"

Quote from ze yin. hahahha. I remembered i wanted to quote eunice. but i forgot what.. haha. been wanting to blog since the first day of school. yup. 15 days ago. shows how busy i am. i need time. someone buy me some time. maybe i'll write a letter to santa if i was a kid. it'll sound like this.

"dear santa,
i've been extra good last year(excluding my hws) and you never left me a present. did you fly past my apartment because my house doesn't have a chimney? in this modern world, people use mails now. you can probably send me by pos laju. i don't mind. saves you time. no need to squeeze into my non-existant chimney. and your red suit is probably is probably very hot in malaysia right? i wish for time. its okay if you missed the dateline on christmas. i won't tell anyone you've been skiving if you would give me time. pretty pls.

i know you've been skiving,

hahahaha. what a laugh it would be. i'm listening to beethovens ninth symphony again. addicted d. hahaha. i can listen to it over and over again and never get bored. (for now) i can't believe beethoven wrote it the whole thing when he was deaf.standing ovation to him! okay... i was gonna blog about first impressions on the 1st day school. its a lil late for that but oh well. First impressions are probably what you make of people. sorta like judging a book by its cover. after you spend longer time, you're preception will mostly change, right? for example, teachers. when they enter the class, you wonder if they'll let you do work while they are teaching. some may look soft but are strict. some may look strict but are harmless. right? if a trainee teacher walks in, we all know what everyone is thinking.i was thinking of this when i looked at my physics teacher. i sometimes wonder why they even want to be my pj teacher tried to looked strict with us last year. but i knew she was smilling to herself. hahaha.i wonder what ppl think of me when they see me for the first time. hmm. i hate F5!!@#$%^& no spare time. Anyways, decisions, decisions, desicions. to take or not to take? My grade 8 piano exam. DO i really need the extra stress? but if i take now i'll finish earlier. save about like 1,800? maybe. so i don't know. if i don't take abrsm, i'll have to take yamaha's performance test. ugh. i don't know. gah. so much homework these days!! so far. resolutions broken: 2. you can't just stop neopets completely. it has to be gradual. kinda like smoking. haha. but i shall do it. and the second resolution, switching on laptop. i have to switch it on to gradually stop neopets, right?? haha. i actually kept up with doing my homework. (the ones that needs to be passed up). i need to do my sejarah soon. but i have no idea what to write. i have a new resolution. try to do one folio per week. no more last minute. haha. so.. the review of this week,
monday: i don't think i've done anything worth mentioning here... oh! kk day. shouted for tkd club. i think thats it. hahaha.
tuesday:chemistry explosion. i mean experiment. haha. how i wish it would explode. makes things more exciting. i remember that time in F3.. something flew out of the test tube. don't remember what. lithium? our experiment dried up. everyones did. because teacher was talking. so we didn't do the next part.biology.. potatoes! potato massacre session. so we were supposed to cut the potato into blocks. potatoes not big enough. so 3 cm sides. i get really annoyed when ppl take one look at you and think you don't know how to cook. If i didn't KNOW how to cook, how to do think i survived 2 weeks alone in my house? i mean i probably do not wash the dishes*ahem* but i cook good food ok. its genes. lol. its a sensitive issue for me. kinda tired of ppl saying that.Selaras dengan itu, it brings me back to the time joanne stayed over and we cooked meals that only we both can eat. extra salt!! hahaha. memories that last forever. and the overcooked ba cho. hahah.
wednesday:mr fishy! we had to see the blood flow under the microscope. i like our bio teacher this year. she's nice. that time she was looking at our groups fish. and she wsa like... hmm.. *shakes head* then she looks up from the microscope and starts jumping slightly telling me she found it. and asked me to look. i saw one frail and slow invisible line moving and told her i can see it. she smiles and walks away. hahaha. i don't really learn anything educational from the experiment as what i can only see is a thin line but it is news to me that if you keep the fish's head under a damp tissue, it will still live without water. this period our class was full with screams when the fish jumped or wriggled. haha. its just fish for pete's sake. who was it that screamed every time the fish flopped? i don't remember. nobody wanted to touch poor mr fishy. a female scream scares me more than animals. like that time in tuition. usually sitting in front is the girls, back boys. then there was this HUGE centipede crawling from my direction. the tuition was downstairs. one of the girls(i think Evelyna) saw it and they started screaming like kena rasuk. i stood up, thinking there was a bomb(silly, i know. that time the air was a lil smoky what. ) and then looked around, heart pounding. by this time, girls had already run upstairs. boys were all standing, including me.( one of the boys were standing on a chair). hahha. and saw this hand-sized milipede crawling. i was like. sheesh. heart beat slowed. sat down. everyone was still standing. teacher came and stepped on it. squish. later on, teacher said to the girl who screamed, " you have a phobia. its not good to scream so loud and frighten everyone. i think you have fear management problems. you better see a psychiatrist. see this girl*points to me* didn't even stand(i did btw, he was too busy looking at the thing) you scream really loud. make me think got snake *and continues his lecture bout fear*. hahaha. i was in peals of laughter. fear management?? hahaha.oh. terserong. eh. i missed out the blood thing. nearly everyone poked their finger to see their own blood. mine was... undescribable. dark red. ee ling's blood was interesting. her red blood cells were moving and stuff. haha. cool huh? she didn't put that * i forgot what chemical* which kills the cells. it was interesting.
thursday, friday: can't think of anything... hmm... OHHHH.. ze yin. page 22! hahahaha. erase the bottom convo. =D ohhhh... and est lesson was interesting. ayam kambing bag. i shall update this part later. didn't bring back paper.ohh.. and my apartment had this fire drill thing which i missed cause i had to go piano class! sheesh. my mom said they went up to my 27th floor(highest) and shot the water down. for ONE HOUR. what a waste of water right. when i came home, all i saw was two big red fire engines parked at the compound. and the floor was wet. mom said the bigger fire engine had problems coming up our apartment cause its kinda on the hill. man i missed the action. geesh. they had the alarm siren thing and everything. and apparently my condominium stairs has this fire proof walls or something. so you can stay in there for 2 hours while the fire is raging in the house and not be burned to death. cool eh?
sat:had traffic duty! they had FIVE traffic wardens directing one car into a slot. hahah. all point to same direction. thats what we do. some parents are friendly, smile, some say hi, one of them said thank you to me! ahaha. a few showed me thumbs up. hahahhaa. i stood in the shade of the trees so can see all parents when they get down from the car. pity cyn, stood in the middle of the field in the hot sun. we got free drinks after that. i proceeded to tkd thing just in time for the last game. =D kinda boring. K bomb ,memang semangat. parents came late to fetch me, as usual. me and kaveta annoying each other as usual. haha. so this time we decided to play a game. i didn't know how the topic came up but kaveta dared me to say hi to this stranger. i did it twice. she did twice, we took turns.
first girl, hi*smiles*
second girl*gave me the O.O look and hurries past me*
third girl*looks at kaveta*
fourth girl*ignores kavera*
fifth firl*really O.O look, then smiles*
sixth girl*ignores kaveta*
seventh*looks at me, glanced behind her*
green is me. kav is pink.
and it went on and on until the word spread that there were too cuckoo girls sitting on the floor saying hi to everyone. we were relly laughing our stomachs out with the expressions ppl make. so we decided to do it everytime both our parents are late. but we're gonna change the words to like bye, yo, wassup, etc. =D and then tuition. supposed to go gurney wit nat but no time. went to jo's bday party. didn't bring camera. =( filled up water balloons. we started eating. played games. we were playing charades. it was my turn to do the action. i was supposed to make them guess beyonce. how was i supposed to do that! i don't know her that well! so my time was up. and they couldn't guess. so.. 3..2..1... water balloons thrown. hid behind wall. hahha. soon, the water balloons weren't enough and ppl started pouring water from pails instead. argh. i got poured on. all i had to throw at ppl was from a measly cup. haha. oh. and i forgot. joanne got creamed by all the guys. her hair was really filled with cream. today i when i dropped by, she layered her hair already. haha. after that while drying, watched disaster movie in her dads new cinema-like room. so cool. like watching in real cinema. went home shortly after 11. went to cousins house. baby still looking cute as ever. even when she cries. hahaha. when home, checked neopets. fell flat on the bed. K.O. immediately. woke up at 2 pm the next day. XP
sunday: played neopets. went out with another cousin. ate at chilli's. so bloated. came home. sat down. blogged. hw undone, speakinf of which, i shall start now.

oh and june bought for me book two of vampire academy! whee. i can't believe i went kl to find it and they were both out of stock but can be bought in penang. -.- book 2 bought by june( i pay u tmr k!) and book 3 bought in mph! sheesh. when i think bought the hassle it made in kl. sorry carmen! need to run with me to bookstores. hhaha.

p/s eunice. the "thing" is up. good luck to you. i doubt you'll find it. tell me when you've given up and i'll show you where. *wink* sabs and kelly are now also looking for it. good luck you ppl! tell me when you've given up.

this is from eunice's blog which had me laughing whenever i read it.

Ada lagi pun, masa I kat bio dan chem lab ngan KILLAH kan, kami gila skit la. Bazir air, ganggu sesendal tu yang agak longgar la. Ada kacau jugak water droplet pressure tu. Tau kenape? Sebab paip air tu kan bentuk dia semacam je organ lelaki tu. Kat stu ada 6 paip tapi 3 kat depan dan 3 lagi dekat je ngan KILLAH dan i. sbab tu kita seronok sgt la main paip,I tau kita mmg gila. Bila buka air pili, air kan pancut keluar? Jadi, KILLAH tu buka air plahan plahan tunggu sampai nampak setitis baru tutup balik. Macam la dew in the morning…alah…dew tu panggil pa dalem bhs melayu? ish. kita pun challenge la, tgk la titisan sapa yg lbh panjang. Eh bukanla saiz organ laki tu. Teori kita ialah sperm tu yang nak keluar. Ada pun masa yang KILLAH tak syok ngan I sebab I punya titisan lbh panjang. Dia tu kan jealous betul. Pi hentak paip tu dan jatuhla titisan I! Ish budak tu kan. Memangla kami tau bazir air tapi fun jugak tau…belum try belum tau, skali try, semua mau. Ah I ingat dah, dew tu embun. Titisan tu macem je embun kat waktu pagi. Syiok la. Skrang kan kat otak I, I fikir dalem bhs pasar tau, rasa cukup bangga ngan diri i. I cakap pun, cakap ngan diri I dalem bhs pasar. Syiok betul.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


decided to do this cause i had lot of comments reading ze yins. hahaha.

*Bold the statements that are true to you.
*Italicize the statements that you wish were true.
*Leave the fibs alone.
*Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.


I’m 170cm + tall.
I don’t know what I want at the moment. i mean i want books. i don't know my ambition
I’m not happy.
I hate my friends. ahahha
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
He drives. he?? dad? dog? brother?
I’m bored of driving. of sitting in the car. does that count? its partially correct...
I have a white handbag. slingbag. partially again. =D
I love dancing.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit.
I have a tattoo of a star. a fake one. long, long agooo...
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs. they take drugs. when they're sick.
90% of my friends smoke.
I’m studying Fashion. hahahah.
I have a business running. maybe i should charge ppl for lending my books. they keep going missing.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone. can't think of anyone.. for now. haha.
I have 10 Guess handbags. you could GUESS what slingbags i have. hahaha. ;)
I buy CLEO every month. can i replace cleo with storybooks?
My parents don’t know about my blog. they do. and they're probably reading this.....
I have an iPod.
I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
My school mates know about my blog. -.- my school mate tagged me. hahaha.
I wanted to be a fashion designer.
I love rock emo bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups. hate is a strong word. DISLIKE. but it always happens. so i nearly always have backup plans. hahaha.
I’m a rebel.
I started wearing dresses. my mom wishes. do i italize it? hahah.
I don’t believe in love.
High school's filled with drama. CPT more drama. according to the stories. or maybe i don't hear much gossip in my school haha.. but. without drama won't it be boring? haha.
My parents have faith in me. i don't know. ask them.
I’ve bought shoes this month.yeah!! another pair of aunty shoes as some of you reading this will say.
A blogger bitched about me before.
I hate sports. define sports
I heart Italian food. lasagna!
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish.
The mother bear gives me hugs. mother bear?? what mother bear??
People should start appreciating me. don't they already? hahaha.
High school was the worst time of my life.
I have red hair. so far, i only saw 2 ppl that has red hair. in my life. haha.
One Utama is my second home. yeah. its only about... 400 km away...
I’m a guy.
I’m scared of my Biology exam. nah. more like the RESULTS. haha.
I hate vacations.
We’ll last. pips?
I believe in long distance relationships.
I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
I’ve robbed an old lady. hahaha. i not stupid too?
I’m starting to like applying make-up. -.-
I was a tomboy.
At times I think I still am a tomboy.
I love bitching about people behind their backs.
I hate surprise parties.
I hate planning parties.
I’m a sinner.
I have a Wii.
I can live without music. O.O
Video games are a waste of time. noooo!
I miss the father bear. am i missing something here? am i a new addition or what??
I love being in love. hahha.
I know how to cook. of course. -.-
I have 100% freedom.
Boys are assholes. Most. from what i seen.
I hate Math. okay. i only hate the questions that i don't know. and since there is no semi bold, i shall just colour it. haha.
I love horror films. hmm. nah.
I’m happy with what I have. look on the bright side!
I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid. i slept there even without watching scream. does that count?
My old friends keep in touch with me. let. you reading this? hahaha.
I don’t read newspaper to didn't sell yet. for now. dad only bought chinese.
The news is such a waste of time.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I can’t live without make-up.
I curse like a pirate.
I’m happy with my 11 year old car. i would be. if i had one. remember mr hp? haha.
I hate people that are smart. haha. poor tze ni for ppl who bold this.
I love Apple Juice. orange?
I can’t drink for nuts.
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity. hahahahhaha.
I’ve got a new phone. OMG how'd you know! you've read my blog!-.-" *in a sarcastic tone*
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love swimming.
I haven’t worked out since March. define worked out
I love my friends and family.
I'm hot. in school. today. under the hot sun. sabby was hot too. in the bus back from mamma mia. haha. HAHAHAH.

I tag:
Ganggilagila. one of you do it. meep! haha
anyone la.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

This is too cute to not be uploaded.

isn't she cute?? according to David(cousin's husband) this was 2 or 3 hours after she's born. tear-stricken but soooo cute. awwww. gonna grow up pretty. hahaha. and smart. =D

day five and six. look. at. those. eyes. haha.